Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fresh Flower Care

Fresh Flower Care:


Did you recently receive flowers for Valentine’s Day, a Birthday, your Anniversary, or just because?  If you would like to keep your blooms in tip top shape and extend their life follow any one of these steps:



  • Every 3-4 days make sure to take the flowers out of the vase/container they are in. Wash the stems with slightly cold water and cut 1-2 inches, preferably on a 45° angle so that the floral stems can soak up water easier and faster than a straight across cut.  Wash the vase entirely. This will guarantee that any bacteria that could be forming from the stems or from the leaves is completely gone and giving the flowers a fresh start.
  • Pick 1 of the following options to put into your new clean vase and fresh cut flowers:
    • It may sound crazy but 3-4 drops of bleach in fresh clean water will help keep the bacteria away and your blooms thriving.
    • A ¼ cup of soda water in fresh water will also help with your flowers longevity
    • A cube of sugar with a 1 copper penny can be a safe and fun trick to use
    • 2 tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar also keep the elasticity of your fresh cut blooms
      All of these options are great ways to improve the life of your flowers and make them last as long as possible. Pick the option you feel most comfortable and make that every 3-4 days you upkeep the task J

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